About us

Regenerative Science and Technology Applied to Aesthetic Medicine

OXXOT studies, manufactures, and markets Italian-made technologies applied in the field of regenerative medicine.
Our professional lines of electromedical and dermo-cosmetic products offer proven and innovative aesthetic treatments, achieved through modern cellular regeneration technologies. Our products are certified according to the highest European medical and cosmetic standards.

Our business strategy is developed through professional training services in collaboration with renowned international scientific opinion leaders.

We are committed to enhancing the well-being of men and women, enabling them to live better and improve their appearance with complete safety.


Marco Maltoni


Chief Executive Officer, with proven international commercial experience in aesthetic, medical devices, and pharmaceutical industries. Committed to enhancing the well-being of men and women globally. Committed to improving the well-being of men and women globally.

Riccardo Pelliccia

Entrepreneur with twenty years of experience in the field of aesthetic, plastic, and regenerative medicine and surgery. Founder of WDR.


Prof. Enrico Guarino

Chirurgia Plastica & PDO Threads

Prof. Roberto Pelliccia

Dermatologia, Linee Filler - WDR

Dr. Maurizio Berlanda

Chirurgia Plastica & Medicina Rigenerativa

Dr. Luigi Maria Lapalorcia

Chirurgia Plastica & Medicina Rigenerativa

Dra. Tullia Taidelli

Chirurgia Plastica & Medicina Rigenerativa

Dr. Luca Piovano

Dermatologia, Linee Filler - WDR

Dr. Lorenz Larcher

Chirurgia Plastica & Medicina Rigenerativa

Dr. Jacopo Ferrarini

Lips Filler

Dr. Daniele Bollero

Chirurgia plastica & PDO Threads

Dra. Patricia Leite

Chirurgia plastica & PDO Threads



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